Church Services

Summer 2024 Services
All Worship Services will be held at 10AM and are open to any and all who wish to participate.
Note description of starred events below.
Sunday 30 JuNe
First Worship Service
Sunday 7 July
Worship Service & First Semi-Annual Meeting following
Sunday 14 July
Worship Service
Sunday 21 July
Worship Service
Sunday 28 July
Worship Service
Saturday 3 August
Church Fair
Sunday 4 August
Homecoming Worship Service* & Soup Sunday
Saturday 10 August
Annual Community Memorial Service*
SUNDAY 11 August
Annual Interfaith Worship Service*
Sunday 28 August
Worship Service
Sunday 25 August
Worship Service & Second Semi-Annual Meeting following
Sunday 1 September
Final Worship Service, with Communion
Every Sunday 2PM
Weather permitting, softball at Garrett Green, across from cemetery.
Everybody plays. Labor Day potluck at Garrett Green following game on 3 September.
Homecoming Sunday Worship Service
This is a new addition to our summer calendar; we will encourage the return of former or inactive members and friends of the church to celebrate the cherished memories of the individuals and mountain families who have built and sustained our beloved church for many generations. We hope people will stay afterward for a group photo (which we hope will become an annual tradition) and Soup Sunday.
This will be an interfaith event, with people of all faiths, including those with no designated faith, welcomed. We invite participants to share their losses and their grief, for both those that have died recently, and for those deceased years ago. Attendees are invited to bring a photo or other mementos of the loved one they are commemorating; these can be placed on the altar table at the front of the church. During the event, there will be a time when people will have the option to stand up and speak about their loved one, if they wish to do so. We fervently believe that the loss of a loved one is among the most powerful and universal experiences in our lives, and one that is most fully realized when in the company of a loving, supportive community.
We will worship God through various practices, some within, and some outside of the Christian tradition. We will reflect on a God who is known by many tongues, in many geographic locations, and is called by many names. We are excited to experience this with you all; please bring a friend.
We are excited to welcome back Jordan Humphrey as our minister this summer! Wishing you a happy, healthy summer, & looking forward to being together again.
The Deacons –
Dana Crowell (Head Deacon), Eleanor Wilkinson, & Ali Austin.​​
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