A Word from the Fair Chair
Come Have Fun at Fair 91!
The Church's annual Fair, historically the first Saturday in August, is August 3, 2024, 10AM - 3PM. The bulk of the proceeds supports local, national, and international charities, secular and religious of multiple faiths. The remainder helps support the ten-week summer Church season and maintenance of the historic building. The Fair is an unusual community event, bringing neighbors (churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike) together to collaborate for a common cause.
Last year, we celebrated the 90th consecutive Fair. About 475 folks enjoyed a complimentary blueberry cordial toast and sang "Happy Anniversary, Church Fair".
This year, the theme is "Having Fun at Fair 91"! We're also celebrating the Year of the Volunteer, to thank all those who work and have worked on the Fair over the years.
The Fair has something to offer folks of all ages: chatting; relaxing; playing; creating; eating; toe-tapping to the music of Steve Adams, returning this year by popular demand; browsing, shopping; winning prizes. We'll feature again the ultimate tag sale, our White Elephant tent with its Vintage Finds corner; Mt. Washington t-shirts, cutting boards, and other "swag"; high quality artistic crafted items by mountain residents at the Artists/Artisans table (A great source for special new-baby, birthday, and early holiday gifts!); elegant plants and flowers; Second Hand Rose's "gently used" and vintage clothing for men, women, and kids. The Kids' Neighborhood offers Nature Art Table, where kids create masterpieces to take home; story/poetry tent; fabulous birdhouse-making corner; face painting; balloon animal maker. A juggler and other surprises are new this year. Unfortunately, pets are not welcome.
You won't go hungry! Eat great, homemade food comfortably at tables under tents: taste-tempters from our Grill; famous Salad Bar; Dessert Table, full of mouth-watering pies, cakes, and fruit; much-loved funnel cakes; SoCo ice cream and soft drinks. And a selection of Mt.-made delicacies to take home. One exciting feature of Fair '24 is a new edition of the Mt. Washington Salad Bar Cookbook, with recipes from generations of Fair salad-makers.
Free door prize tickets give grown-ups and kids a chance to win terrific stuff. Buy Hospitality Raffle tickets for a chance to win a gift certificate to a variety of fine local eateries. Our Fair is famous for the "Big Raffle", a handmade quilt, created by many mountain stitchers. This year, we're outdoing ourselves with twobig raffles: one for a vintage, crewel-stitched, bed-size quilt, "Birds & Animals of the Mountain", and one for a 4' X 6' hand-hooked rug, patterned with a picture of the Church. You can buy chances for those on this site, from June until Aug. 1, then live at the Fair.
We welcome Fairgoers, our guests, and welcome help not only by Fair veterans, but by folks who haven't worked on it before, who'd like opportunity to get to know neighbors, make friends, and do a good deed. We look forward to Fair '24, our #91!
Lila Wilkinson, Chair, 2024 Mount Washington Church Fair
Photo Gallery
Get a feel for what our annual fair is like by taking a look at some of selected photographs from years past.
TO Support THESE OrganizatioNS:
One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC)
Doctors Without Borders
International Rescue Committee - Afghanistan
International Rescue Committee - Ukraine
Gambia Rising
Partners In healtH - Haiti
ChiLdren's Defense Fund Action Council
Planned Parenthood Of Greater TExas
Children's Defense Fund Action Council
Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity
Community Rescue Squad - CopakE
Egremont Fire Department
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Fairview Hospital
Hospice Care in the Berkshires
One Can
Railroad Street Youth Project
SOUTH Berkshire Ambulance Squad
Volunteers in Medicine